Fly IT to the Moon

Optimize your launch trajectory for a faster ascent to your cloud native orbit.
* Struggling is not included.

What is Caravan?

Caravan is a tool. A complete working Cloud-Native Platform based on the Hashicorp stack. Fully automated, Service Mesh enabled, Vault protected secrets and orchestration ready out-of-the-box. The perfect modern platform for your containerized and legacy applications.

How does it work?

Clone a couple of git repos, fill a dozen of blanks. Run one script. Come back fifteen minutes later and deploy some apps. That's it.

Service Mesh
& Discovery

The power of a truly dynamic communication among your next gen and legacy applications.


Powerful placing, scaling and balancing of your workloads. Containerized or legacy, services or batches.


Keep your secrets, credentials and certificates safe. Company wide.

Multi Cloud
or on-premise

Caravan promises to fly your IT to the Moon. You might also enjoy multi-cloud and on premises enviroments as closer destinations :)